This sculpture's focus was on Scale. I found a small leaf I liked the form of and replicated it at 6' tall.
This is a non-representational abstract sculpture. I was just focused on making an intriguing form here. I tried to create some movement in the curves and give it a certain characterization with the features. Like it could be a creature perched there.
This sculpture was about texture. I used grass and berries and cloth and rope to create an abstract landscape.
This was a very ambitious sculpture- it was 9' long and 5' tall. It was suspended by invisible wire and weighed 30 pounds. Its focus was on line. The red branches through the middle create a broken branch. The theme in this sculpture is supposed to be the natural and the unnatural/synthetic. The branches are all curved and natural, but placed in the unnatural box. They're normally up high, but now suspended by wire. They one running through the middle forms a branch, but is only distinguishable because of the red paint over it.
A concept model for a project. It's made of paper. It's showing the passage of time and the layers of memory people have.

I love making sculptures because that's essentially what an interior is- a sculpture that people can walk in.