My personal logo. My nickname has been "Ace" for nearly a decade now and I liked how the term could identify me and be a nice typographical logo. I chose to do a type-based logo because I think the type itself acts as an aesthetic graphic. The most common logos today are combination marks (mark+type). This allows them to brand two different ways. However, an image for my personal brand felt too confining. A company can take on a set of characteristics, but since I'm a person, I want the freedom that comes with a type-based logo. The term is who I am, and the choice of type-face here says that I'm professional, but stylish. It has an art-nouveau quality that I appreciate. I believe that I brand my mark as much as my mark can brand me, so by having a good attitude when I interact with people will imprint my mark with my characteristics, and when I'm not accompanying it- it still serves as a valid representation.
At the top is my personal logo, and the bottom is just playing with the type on "Design."
Magazine cover for a magazine called "Trends." This was supposed to be their last issue, thus the sub-head and the highlighted "ENDS."
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In this assignment we were asked to design a museum. We were only given the name "The Museum of You." We could make it whatever we wanted, but it had to use that name. I decided on an art museum that interacted with the visitors. The visitors voted on the pieces they thought deserved to stay. I wanted to encourage people to return to the museum, so having a revolving inventory and a democratic element would facilitate this. The more times in a row the piece won the vote, the longer it got to stay. However, the longest a piece could stay is one year. The aesthetic of the logo is meant to be minimal. The silhouette of a button. The button would be the way you vote for a piece.
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Some merchandise utilizing the concept/logo.
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These are digital graphics I've done for various projects.