The lobby of the agency is meant to immediately catch the eye of the visitors. You get a sense of cohesive style and a professional atmosphere. The wood and leather and wall graphic all give an art-deco vibe, but the slick black columns and wall clocks give a strange modern flair.
Media Department
Various workstations
Final project poster.
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Bowsprit Advertising Agency

In this project I was tasked to design an advertising agency office in California. I was given free-reign to design their identity as well as their offices. We were only told the agency exemplified "moving forward and innovation,' which is why they have the name "Bowsprit" (the front-portion of a ship). I set to work contemplating who "Bowsprit" is as a company, and I decided they had been in business for several decades and wanted to remain true to their history while embracing the future.

To achieve this tone- I decided to make an open-plan office. This is a relatively recent configuration in creative settings, and something I thought Bowsprit would embrace. I also decided that stylistically they would appreciate a mix of art-deco and modern furnishings.