I am an industrial designer and a team member of the product and technology innovations consultancy Creaholic based in Biel, Switzerland.
I have a background as a technical designer from the orthopedic field, designing and specifying surgery tools and artificial joints. During my industrial design studies I set my focused on consumer and sports products out of my interest for product - interaction, - ergonomics, - marketing and - strategy.
I started my professional career with design assignments on consumer products for the telecommunication and broadcasting industry, followed by work on laboratory equipment and projects on mobility. With every new assignment I have been taking more responsibility, managing projects, acquiring new clients and collaborating with manufacturers on new production possibilities. In the past years I have been working a lot on wearable technologies and the support of start-ups from initial research and conceptualization to product design, prototyping, testing and final industrialization.
If you would like to get in contact to know more about how we could help to explore and implement innovative solutions to your next product or technology project then feel free to do so under: marioweiss@craholic.com
If you would like get more information on portfolio projects then please contact me under: mario@marioweiss.ch
Red Dot Design Award 2014 (Pharmatron, Smart Test 50 )
Braun Design Award Exhibition 2009 (Kahuna Adventure Equiptment)
IF Concept Award 2008 (Nebo)
mentioned as co-inventor in several patents