Banco Central Hispano. POS Campaigns.

Along my life I have worked for many banking institutions. During the time I was was working at John Ryan Company we were taking charge of all the communication that the bank was doing in their branch network. Far from thinking about conventional formats, boring and numerical creativities, we developed a unique style of communication for the bank, capable of grabbing customer's attention and that was much ahead of its time (1995-1996).
Every three weeks we had to create, develop and install campaigns in over 20.000 bank offices throughout Spain. Rarely in my life have I done POS material as sophisticated as this. Suffice to say that many of our pieces had motors that animated messages in the point of sale. And so you can see what I mean creatively unconventional banking in 1996, here is part of a campaign of 1995 salaries and pension plans.

Campaign description:
Agency: John Ryan Company
Creative Director: Tim Simmons
Art Direction: Tim Simmons
Copywriter: Luis Gonzalez-Aller.

Luis González-Aller Vázquez
Executive Creative Director at GMR Spain Madrid, Spain