This was the editing process - top left was original image taken with iPhone 4 - top right was edited in TinyPlanets - bottom left was edited in Photoshop and the bottom right was edited using SpacePaint
Final Edit - Playground Swirls
The editing process - Top left original taken with iPhone4, top right edited using TinyPlanets, bottom left editing with Photoshop and bottom right edited with (yep you guessed it) SpacePaint
Final Edit - Not to sure what to call it however Instagram Followers do get to choose what my artwork is called - Follow me @digital_judda
The editing process from original to final piece
final Edit - Lost in Colour
Editing Process - Top left is the original taken with my iPhone4, top right edited using TinyPlanets, bottom left is editing with PhotoShop and bottom right was edited with SpacePaint
Final edit - The Love cocoon
Editing Process - Top left, Original image of the London Eye on New Years Eve 11/12, top right was edited with TinyPlanets, bottom left and right was edited with SpacePaint
Final Edit - Stratus
Editing process - top left original - top right edited in Photoshop and finally bottom was edited using SpacePaint
Final Edit - Solar Wind
Editing Process - top left origional taken with iPhone 4 - top right edited in Photoshop and bottom edited with SpacePaint
Final Edit - Open Air Clubbing
Editing Process - top original taken with iPhone 4, Middle edited with Photoshop, bottom edited with SpacePaint
Final Edit - Traveling Light
Editing Process - top original taken with iPhone 4, middle edited with Photoshop, bottom edited with SpacePaint
Final Edit - Blinded By The Lights
final edit - Column Purple
Personel Digital Work and Editing Process

Just some personnel work I've been creating over the past few months.

All images have been edited using a assortment of apps for my iPhone.

The apps used are displayed in the image descriptions.

Hope you like them and please feel free to comment on any that you do.

Thank You

Leon Sampson
Leon Sampson BA, Hull, U.K Hull, United Kingdom