Sales Associate, Customer Service and Landscaping
Miller's Christmas Tree Farm
Elizabethtown, PA
* Design flyers and brochures for advertising products and services * Content creator and editor for social media and website
Sales and Marketing Intern
The Restaurant Store
Camp Hill, PA
* Build a business and customer database while pushing website sales * Maintain one-on-one and business-to-business relationships
Public Relations Marketing Intern
Lancaster Brewing Company
Lancaster, PA
* Primary contact and coordinator for beer festivals, conferences and brewery tours * Social media management and networking (i.e. RateBeer, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Website) * Prepared and edited news releases for distributors on the East Coast
Public Relations Marketing Intern
Lancaster Barnstormers
Lancaster, PA
* Updated databases for company and group sponsorship's * Researched, planned and executed a theme night to drive attendance to a desired audience
Orientation Leader
Millersville University
Center for Student Involvement and Leadership Orientation Leader * Acquainted incoming freshmen and transfer students to the Millersville campus * Facilitated information sessions for the college transition * Recruited new orientation leaders and served as a peer advisor and resource person for new student Leadership Positions (Non-Paid)
Associate Facilitator
Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership Seminar
Central Pennsylvania * Motivated high school sophomores to build relationships and become strong community leaders * Contacted facilitators to create a virtual newsletter
Senior Leader
Get-A-Way Leadership Program
Millersville University * Aid in the planning of a retreat * Facilitate leadership sessions and panel discussions
Corresponding Secretary (2011)
Millersville University
Student Senate, Public Relations Chair (2011), Dining Committee Chair (2012), Finance Committee
budget and coordinate campus wide events and allocate monies to 150 university organizations * Design promotional items and contact students to attend events occurring at Millersville University