UX Designer
May 2011 - Present (13 years 7 months)
Freelance Employment
Jan 2004 - Jun 2011 (7 years 5 months)
Worked on multiple projects that include:
_Industrial Design
_UX Design
_Identity + Branding
Industrial Designer
Society Creative
Jun 2010 - Nov 2010 (5 months)
Created compelling designs for Sony and Johnson&Johnson, Strategized the intersection of business and design
Industrial Design Intern
Aspen Medical Products
Feb 2010 - May 2010 (3 months)
Designed and prototyped a functional backbrace for pre-mature infants, Tested prototypes on patients and then refined designs, Sourced materials from suppliers and resolved prototype issues with overseas factories
Industrial Design Intern
May 2009 - Dec 2009 (7 months)
Designed wireless products with a focus on making technology less intimidating, Extensively researched behavioral patterns and market trends to translate into concrete designs, Assisted in resolving prototype issues with factories, Collaborated closely with sister design team in Copenhagen, Denmark
Industrial Design Intern
IDA Creative Services
Jun 2007 - Aug 2007 (2 months)
Developed designs for multiple projects in a fast-paced consultancy environment, Brainstormed during roundtable discussions with principals and designers
Marketing Intern
Nitto Tire USA Inc
Feb 2006 - May 2006 (3 months)
Strategized and then executed cost-effective solutions for branded local and national events, Reviewed design comps of ads (billboards, print, web, ...etc.) and strategized ways to propel Nitto's brand in a competitive marketplace