Overview sheet, preclinical models.
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Company overview sheet.
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Therapists' worksheet for product outcomes survey.
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Web banner set for Neuromics, a provider of reagents and methods for the Neuroscience, Immunology, Cancer, Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Research Community.
Full-page print ad for dental lab. Produced both graphic design and photographs.
Dental lab fee schedule.
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Donor sheet for Magic Arms, an exoskeleton device for children with neuromuscular diseases effecting arm use.
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Trade show stand-up displays for OlympEX Medical and Magic Arms products.
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Cover for a Business plan for OlympEX Medical.
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Title slide from Business Plan deck for OlympEX Medical.
Slide from Business Plan deck for OlympEX Medical.
Slide from Business Plan deck for OlympEX Medical.
Subtitle slide from Business Plan deck for OlympEX Medical.
Slide from Business Plan deck for OlympEX Medical.
Organizational chart from Business Plan deck for OlympEX Medical.
Slide from Business Plan deck for OlympEX Medical.
Medical, Health Care, Pharmaceutical
John Ilg
Technical Illustrator, Graphic Design, Photography, Courtroom Graphics Minneapolis, MN