Reconstruction graphic of shards from a high-pressure cylinder explosion.
Floor plan of refrigeration plant.
Courtroom diagram of an industrial refrigeration system.
Diagram of check valve operation.
Check valve failure sequence.
Blast map of recovered fragments.
Mechanical elements and rotation configuration.
Land description issue.
Diagram, Business Process.
Chart, Total Failures.
Timeline, Total Failures.
Contract Timeline.
Specimen Summary, SEM images and digital photography.
Timeline, steam generator component failures over time.
Diagram, plumbing component operation.
Diagram, water entry into module case.
Exhibit, broken parts, isometric diagram, SEM images, macro photography.
Photo montage of individual photos into one seamless image of shard.
Exhibit, wear and corrosion of module elements.
Timeline, changes in tube support design.
Timeline, SCC in steam generators at various locations.
Legal Exhibits, Courtroom Graphics
John Ilg
Technical Illustrator, Graphic Design, Photography, Courtroom Graphics Minneapolis, MN