The completed version 1.0 of the bike!

These are the 6s LiPo cells that I use for the bike. Connected in series, they give a nominal voltage of 44.4 Volts.

The charger I use is a Turnigy Double Tap charger. It can balance charge the batteries so that each cell has the same voltage. This prevents any one cell from being accidentally over charged or over discharged during normal use.

I took an old power supply out of a desktop to provide power to the charger. By combining all of the 12 Volt wires together, I am able to get 435 Watts of battery charging power.

A few hundred miles of riding later, I got sick of getting flats and bought some ebike rated tires. They feel super nice to ride on! I also decided to relocate the batteries to a center bag for enhanced aesthetics and so that I could also carry appropriate tools to repair the bike wherever I go.