I worked for more than 7 years in American and Estonian companies for the development of B2B and B2C software, web and mobile applications and games. During this time, I did works for Nokia, Yandex, 2GIS, LitRes, Creative Mobile. Collaborated with the Unreal Engine and Wargaming. These were works on UI / UX / IA / IxD design, presentation creation, game design, project management (3-15 people subordinate).
My achievements:
I led the project and was engaged in its UI / UX design and gameplay, as well as presentation materials, after which it became possible to collaborate with Wargaming and Unreal Engine.
Repeatedly invented and presented key features in terms of design, as well as UX and gameplay in products. As a result - improving customer loyalty, increasing creativity and product uniqueness.
I prepared a presentation, after which there was a cooperation with Nokia.
Repeatedly prepared presentations of new projects for private investors, after which interest appeared and meetings became possible.
Repeatedly revealed the true interests of the customer in the project, which led to changes in the TR, optimization of the development and a better result, as well as an increase in the company's revenue by 10-30%.
Thanks for your time.