This is a tribute poster to John Lennons Imagine. It was made in Photoshop CS5 and it was a school project therefore I could not fit all the ;yrics onto the poster so I choose ehisely. All the images where extraxted from there background with different tools and placed in collage form on a new page with all the elements added that you see. I thought it turned out awesome as did my professor.
Magazine cover made in Adobe Illustrator CS5 Using 2 images of the lead singer of the rock band "Hurt," and manipulating text with the text tool, I was able to create a very interesting, yet cool music magazine cover featuring Loren J. Wince.
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Form, Meet Function.

Form meet fuction is an Advertisent for an electronic product, nintendo DS I made in ID CS5, its just a moch ad.

Amanda George
Graphic Designer Trevor, WI