Hi, I’m Hailey. A product designer, storyteller, tinkerer; always trying to keep my gears turning and hands moving. As an east coast transplant, recently trading my native New Hampshire hills for the west coast mountains, I could not be more thrilled to be a new addition to the dynamic Bay Area design community.
Prior to the big move, I was the Lead Designer at a kick-ass NYC start-up called Uncharted Play, designers of the award-winning SOCCKET. The SOCCKET is an energy harnessing soccer ball developed for areas with little to no access to reliable electricity. All it takes is 30 minutes of play and you can power a 6W LED light for 3 hours.
Rowena Reed Kostellow, First place in Design Competition focusing on portraying our understanding of three dimensional forms and translating that into user centered products, 2010
Foundation Art Scholarship Competition Finalist, 2009
Schmutzik Award, 3rd place in Competition, 2009