Mestrado (Master Degree) Digital Graphic Expression
Universidade Aberta
2011 - 2014
This master degree empowers the student with very important skills such as digital programming for mobile games, creation of games and apps as well as provides a insite of the conceptuality behind the creation of digital aplications and they expression in visual world.
Licentiate degree Design Gráfico
Faculdade de Belas Artes do Porto
2003 - 2008
Licenciatura (Lic) Design de Comunicação
Universidade do Porto
2003 - 2008
Fine Arts in Porto provides designers great capabilities of understanding the creative process as a tool to serve a real objective. Makes students use the head and the hands (by drawing, painting) before reaching digital tools. This gives designers a very powerfull tool that allows to actually create something before moving to formated computer tools