Experience Designer
Jan 2002 - Present (23 years)
Deliver innovative, concept-driven, creative solutions to complex design challenges for both agency and direct enterprise clients. Employ a diversity of styles to ensure aesthetic and emotional design are aligned with each client's core value proposition.
Solutions Architect
Ginkgo Street Labs
Aug 2017 - Oct 2019 (2 years 2 months)
Empowered nonprofit organizations to take control of their data by executing user experience strategy and design, CRM consulting, and project management. Led a globally dispersed development team utilizing a dynamic Agile workflow.
Interactive Marketing and Database Manager
International Mountain Bicycling Association
Sep 2013 - May 2016 (2 years 8 months)
Increased the usability of the organization's interactive assets by engaging with staff and member users to prioritize new feature development. Championed the user experience approach for technology initiatives and managed multiple third-party contractors to complete development.
Creative Director
iSatori Technologies
Feb 2008 - Jul 2011 (3 years 5 months)
Engaged with marketing and executive teams to actualize branding strategies and product development, taking products from concept to production. Oversaw packaging and collateral vendors to ensure production deadlines were met.