As a design professional I have pursued my interest in hands-on learning to develop an intimate understanding of materials and processes that uniquely informs my design process. Form not only follows function but should also honor unique material properties and history. As a creative professional I bring innovation and a strong interdisciplinary approach to designing. From concept to finished product, I demand exceptional craft from myself and those around me.
I have multiple degrees from The University of Michigan School of Art&Design, College of Engineering, and College of Architecture. This diverse background makes me an asset to collaborative work environments where I can overlap and successfully integrate with a wide array of people. I can synergize with diverse teams to bring design concept to executed reality with a history of proven success.
My work experience demonstrates my wide skill set. I can create precise CAD data using aerospace-grade software yet have the aesthetic sensitivity to sketch your ideal furniture. I can integrate with manufacturing teams and empathize to create ease of assembly for increased efficiency and profitability, as well as independently fabricate unique prototypes. I have the experience, the expertise, and the leadership to be an effective member of your organization!