Tattoo illustration and design. This is a very stylized version of the Madison sky line.
Personal business card design.
Photo taken with film, all developed, enhanced, and sharpened using methods NOT on a computer. OLD School!!
Illustration on scratch board.
Illustration using quotes from a poem.
Original photograph, using film. Darkroom to enhancement. All OLD SCHOOL, nothing about this has been digitally enhanced.
Illustration from subject. Watercolor paint / Ink
Charcoal on paper. Illustrated where skeletal structure should be from live model.
Watercolor illustration. Some elements of collage were used to create this piece. Inspiration from Francis Bacon, and Ralph Steadman.
Personal Work

All of the creations in this section are personal designs, photographs, or digital illustrations. Some of these reflect my personal style, or ideas jumping around in my head. There is everything in here from comic book illustration, to paintings, digital photographs, old school photographs (film), small design projects, to even smaller projects for my son, and other children.

Eric Gross
Graphic Designer / Graphic Instructor McFarland, WI