Logo created for a Madison, WI based apartment company. Logo as well as secondary element were created.

Cahoots Bar Logo - Logo was created for a local business. Logo is used on the outdoor signage, as well as uniforms and bar promotions.

5100 Bar Grill - Logo Design for an new bar and restaurant in Madison, WI. Completed a corporate identity for business, including promotional material, Logo, Business cards, and letterhead.

Concept logo created Pro-Bono for a developing program at Boscobel Area Hospital.

T-shirt design created for a family member and group for a fun run.

Hidden Valley Paintball Logo - Originally created a :30 sec still image commercial for HVPB. Created a new logo on personal time.

Designers Ink Logo - Created a logo for a Graphic Design Club in Eau Claire, WI

Logo for Buckley Photography - Redesign of logo for a company in Eau Claire.

Chippewa Falls Public Library Logo - Was involved in a logo re-design for public library.