Method Engineer
Jul 2012 - Oct 2014 (2 years 3 months)
* To design process line, apparatus, production method and to conduct the realization of them after realization, submit them to production site.
* To provide the information flow between France R&D and Turkey production site for new product, production process and BOM and update database
* Reporting current and planned situations to France
* To predict the problems and to take proactive actions during project managing phase.
---Conducting Projects--
Line and Machine Design
* Designed and Realized new control machine and cooling unit for new version product which is planned 8 million per year (quantity will increase to 13.5 million in 2015)
* Added the new machines to the old line and made it flexible to control both the old and new products. (Gaining 100 square meters for new control line area)
* Designing and producing old machines in production line to get an autonomation which is a kaizen philosophy of jidoka. (target is to attain 4 operators per shift and gain 380.000TL)
* This production line, designed with a user centered design approach, will be solved in the minimum area among similar production lines in other Legrand global factories.
Work station and Apparatus design
* Combining 2 operations which include transportation outside of the plant into 1 operation. (planned saving is 120.000TL)
* Designed 5 hand tools in different processes
Bussinnes Development Engineer
Gipta Ofis Promosyon
Aug 2010 - Apr 2011 (8 months)
* Managing education documents of work descriptions.
* Planning all the heating system of the factory area (8000 m2) .
* Designing some ergonomic solutions on working areas.
* Analyzing and designing small ERP program with coordinator.
* Organizing the fair stand hardware works.
Assistant Plant Manager & Occupational Safety and Health Specialist
Baycan Candy & Chewing Gum
Jul 2009 - Aug 2010 (1 year 1 month)
As a Productivity Engineer
Analyzing material, packing, product and stuff movements in the factory area.
Creating new products and efficient layout plans.
Suggesting nearly twenty productivity plans and putting some of them in practice.
Analyzing and planning the implementation of marketing suggestions on production.
Designing an optimum layout planning for the new factory.
Helping the project team to convert a textile factory into a candy factory by designing and analyzing
As a Work Safety and Work Health Engineer
Controlling the previous risk analysis reports.
Creating new education program by analyzing previous accidents.
Educating more than 500 workers (obtained a respectable drop in the work accidents)
Preparing work related safety remembering cards after six months from the education
Organizing WSWH meetings, suggesting prevention plans and controlling in practice
As an Extraordinary Situation Planner & Organizer
Preparing reports for headquarters in Çamlıca
Organizing and moderating aware, unaware and desktop practices.
Creating a database for fire extinguishers
As an Packaging Technical Drawing Controller
Creating database and controlling the technical drawings of packing materials.