The Ensemble title. Members: Controller Bouncer Doctor Spaz Wildcard Mongrel Guerilla
The Controller. -Role: Leader -Type: Attack/Support -Powers: Technology manipulation, X-ray and infrared sensors, game field manipulation, teleportation -Weapons: Power gloves, tech suit, goggle specs -Stats: 2000 HP, 4000 Atk, 1000 Def, 2000 Spd -Description: The Controller is the leader of the team. He/she has the ability to control the positions of not only the other players on the field but also the enemies and other objects as well. Controller can scan the surrounding area using various sensors to locate power-ups, find secret rooms, and ambush enemies. However, using some of his/her abilities leaves them open to attacks. Rumor has it that it was the Controller who crafted the other members’ weapons.
The Doctor -Role: Healer -Type: Support -Powers: Medical knowledge, guide, healing, lock picking -Weapons: Scalpel, first aid kit, enhancement pills, health pills -Stats: 2000 HP, 1000 Atk, 500 Def, 1000 Spd -Description: The Doctor is the team’s healer. He/she carries a kit filled with several health items. All health items the team finds are stocked in this kit. Doctor’s main role is to stay in the back away from the battle and heal the team when injured. Doctor’s various pills can enhance armor, restore health, or power up attacks. The health pill can restore 500+ HP. He/she is the weakest in terms of defense and attack power. When not in battle the Doctor serves as a guide, knowledgeable in different areas on your map and various herbal medicines. Doctor is also able to open certain secret rooms with their scalpel.
The Bouncer -Role: Tank -Type: Attack/Defense -Powers: Magic immunity, fireproof, waterproof, obstacle breaker, multi-enemy attacks -Weapons: Shield, Assault unit, titanium power suit, variable tool system -Stats: 5000 HP, 3000 Atk, 5000 Def, 500 Spd -Description: The Bouncer is the team’s ultimate defender. He can withstand tons of damage from enemy attacks. He has the highest defense on the team but is also the slowest. Bouncer is most effective in horde battles because he can attack multiple opponents at once. Bouncer’s Assault Unit holds an assortment of missiles, grenades, and shields. All weapons the team finds are carried in his weapons unit. His power suit is made of a superior titanium alloy and can withstand various weather conditions. He is immune to magical/energy based attacks. He also has a variable tool system that contains a drill, hammer, bombs, etc. Bouncer can switch between these tools to remove obstacles in the way outside of battle.
The Wildcard -Role: Strategist -Type: Support -Powers: Battle tactics, magical attacks, unknown abilities -Weapons: Magical hat, strike cards, magical wand, levitation, *trick room -Stats: 3000 HP, 3000 Atk, 1500 Def, 1500 Spd -Description: The Wildcard is the team’s strategist. He plans all tactics before battle and provides backup to the Controller when necessary. His attacks are mostly magic based. His full potential is still a mystery but he can utilize various abilities in and out of battle. He can use his magical hat to dispose of enemies/obstacles by transporting them to other dimension. He can also store his other items in his hat. His strike cards are sharp enough to cut through steel like butter. He can create a Trick Room on the field which is protected by a powerful barrier. In this room he can use various abilities. Wildcard can levitate himself to reach items that are too out of reach for the other players. His attire is similar to that of a magician.
The Spaz -Role: Last Resort -Type: Attack -Powers: Energy absorption, energy blasts, unpredictability -Weapons: Energy core -Stats: 2000 HP, *3000 Atk, 1000 Def, 4000 Spd -Description: The Spaz is the team’s last resort. He is the most unpredictable of the group, often jumping into battle without a plan. Sometimes he puts the team at risk during a stealth attack. He is the fastest on the team. He is mostly there to cause chaos for the enemy factions and disrupt their attack patterns. The Spaz has an initial attack stat of 3000; however, it can increase to 5000 once he removes the limiter on the core on his chest. This core contains the stored power the Spaz naturally has but must be sealed in order to control it. Spaz can absorb energy or magic blasts from an enemy and redirect them with even greater power. After using his special move the Spaz can’t move for 2 turns.
The Guerilla -Role: Ambush/Stealth -Type: Attack -Powers: Martial arts, black ops skill set, ambush tactics, trap expert, weapons expert -Weapons: Various tactical weapons (ninja swords, tanto knives, kunai, smoke bombs, cloaking devices) -Stats: 2000 HP, 2500 Atk, 1500 Def, 3000 Spd -Description: The Guerilla is another extra character that switches places with the Spaz. Guerilla is a more reserved and tactical fighter. His fighting experience is unparalleled, knowing various fighting styles from northern Shaolin to taekwondo. This coupled with black ops training and ability as an expert strategist makes him an invaluable asset. With all this training he has also become a weapons master, particularly in swordplay. Outside of battle he can disable traps set by enemies, scale walls and other surfaces, and infiltrate enemy lines through cloaking. He seems to have a close relationship with the Mongrel character. It is said both of them have been friends of war several years back.
The Mongrel -Role: Tank -Type: Attack/Defense -Powers: Berserker, enhanced senses, obstacle breaker -Weapons: Ball and chain, fangs, claws, crushing roar -Stats: 3000 HP, *2500 Atk, *3000 Def, *1500 Spd -Description: The Mongrel is an extra character that switches places with the Bouncer. He is an anthropomorphic wolf with glowing yellow eyes. He’s often seen wearing a torn robe with heavy armor underneath. In battle he wields a ball and chain weapon; also uses this weapon outside of battle to smash obstacles. Mongrel can discard this weapon and switch to his basic combat style: using his claws and fangs to rip through enemy lines. When activating his special move, he drops his armor which increases attack and speed stats by 1000 and enter “Berserker Mode.” However, this move also decreases defense by 1000. While in Berserker Mode, Mongrel is immune to flinching and ignores the enemy’s stat increase. He seems to have a close relationship to the Guerilla.
Controller icon Version 1: Game Controller
Controller icon Version 2: Computer Chip
Controller icon Version 3: Computer Ram
Doctor icon: Energy Pill
Bouncer icon: Fist Badge
Wildcard icon: Magic Card
Spaz icon: Myriad Colors Energy Cell Crystal
Guerilla icon dog tag.
Mongrel icon: Beast badge.
The Ensemble, 2015-2017

The Ensemble is a fanmade in-game team created by a friend of mine to be used for his team of gamers; specifically for use while playing competitively in the online multiplayer game DOTA. Each member of the team has their own unique purpose, strengths, and abilities. I sketched out and designed the titles and icons for every member of the team based on the ideas I got from my friend. Some titles have various icons, as I tried to experiment with each one. Their designs reflect that character's abilities and battle style.

Freelance, Full-time
Emmanuel Jerome
Graphic Designer/Artist Hollywood, FL