3D Design sculpture, 2013. Clay head self-reproduction. Terracotta clay molded and heated, then coated in black and heated once more. The project was to replicate your facial features while trying to keep the sculpture different from yourself. Mine was a success even with the dented head shape. However, heating it up in the kiln a second time caused some cracking. The head remains on FIU South campus next to the Artist Studio along with some other students' heads.
3D Abstraction project. Abstract view into each student's mental/emotional state. This project titled "Lethal Release", was my interpretation of my own mental state. Made of only wood blocks, cut in various sizes and shapes to create a unique sword. It is the amalgamation of many swords breaking out from the main blade. It depicts the many aspects/personalities that exist in my soul, each one represented as one of the swords breaking free; this causes the main blade (my original self) to become warped as the others try to escape or take over the original. This constant battle to suppress each one and remain in control is ever present in my life. The sword was meant to be painted, with each blade having a distinct color, but I never had the time to do so. The sword is currently in my possession.
Lethal Release. Side view 1
Lethal Release. Side view 2
3D Installation project. Group installation project depicting the stress of an average student dealing with the pressure of having a full education. Scratches were made on the desk to illustrate this. A dilpoma is hung just above to simulate what's at stake. This project was hung temporarily under a staircase of the FIU Chem/Physics department building.

A collection of project sculptures I created or helped to create. Made during my time as an art student at FIU.

Freelance, Full-time
Emmanuel Jerome
Graphic Designer/Artist Hollywood, FL