Armadillo Silhouette combination. Parts: Armadillo head, body, and tail; rhino horn; and spider legs. The armadillo would still be able to curl up into a ball. Spider web silk would now be excreted from the tip of the tail. Spinning webs and creating traps is the primary form of attack/defense. The horn is mainly used as a last resort when fighting. This combo is labeled Chimera #1 in this project.
Axolotl Silhouette combination. Parts: axolotl head and body, chameleon tongue, and pterosaur wings. This creature would still keep its amphibious nature and gain the ability to fly at low altitudes for quite some time. I really like how this one came out. I played around with the wings (added 4 wings but with the silhouette, it appears to be just 2). Let me know what you think. This combo is labeled Chimera #2 in this project.
(Colored) Skeletal Chimera V1. Happy Halloween! This chimera is completely based on the skeletons of various animals. Parts include: coyote skull and skeletal body, vulture wings skeleton, yak horn, and angler fish skeleton as the tail. Labeled Chimera #3 in this project. For this version I also added scary-looking eyes to make it more dramatic. Decided to actually name this one as "Neros." Let me know if either one freaks you out.
Skeletal Chimera V1. Happy Halloween! This chimera is completely based on the skeletons of various animals. Parts include: coyote skull and skeletal body, vulture wings skeleton, yak horn, and angler fish skeleton as the tail. Labeled Chimera #3 in this project. For this version I also added scary-looking eyes to make it more dramatic. Decided to actually name this one as "Neros." Let me know if either one freaks you out.
Lemur Silhouette combination. Parts: lemur head and body, bull horns, eagle talons on tail. This creature would have longer reach with its tail and be able to ensnare prey/predators with the eagle-like talons. The horns on its head provide additional offensive capabilities but, add extra weight which slows movement speed slightly. Let me know what you think. This combo is labeled Chimera #4 in this project.
Moth Silhouette combination: moth head, body, and wings; elephant trunk; and lobster antennae and tail. This creature can still fly as normally as a moth but now has the added power of a lobster tail and elephant truck for offense. It also gains a slight boost in sensory capabilities due to its new antennae, allowing it to sense predators and prey more efficiently. This combo is labeled Chimera #5 in this project.
Moth Silhouette combination: moth head, body, and wings; elephant trunk; and lobster tail. I decided to create another combination using another species of moth just for fun. This creature can still fly as normally as a moth but now has the added power of a lobster tail and elephant truck for offense. This combo is labeled Chimera #5 in this project.
Animal Silhouettes: Chimeras Version 2

Creatures dubbed "Chimeras." This is the second project in this series where I combine 2 or more animals/animal parts together and relied on their silhouettes for dramatic effect. Now these additional parts both improve and hinder the base animal's survival. Some are more useful than others. I made it a self rule that I was to not use the same animal part for another chimera (i.e. if I used a fox tail for one chimera, I couldn't use a fox tail again for another set). Also, I wanted to describe how these alterations would either aid or hinder these creatures in nature. I tried to be more creative in the way I arranged these images to make a more dramatic silhouette.

Freelance, Full-time
Emmanuel Jerome
Graphic Designer/Artist Hollywood, FL