This is an android app. The company has Kiosks installed in several Public locations like offices, commercial complexes, etc. The users buy the food in the kiosks using this App.
App - Home Screen
App - Details Screen
The rewards application is used by the Channel Marketing team to view/manage the points earned as based on their network sales. It allows them to access a rewards gallery and redeem their points and track their transactions. The application supports multiple user roles as Retailers, Distributors, Channel Managers etc.
Screen 1: Dashboard
Rewards Gallery
Healthcare App - Screen 1
Healthcare Application: A Mobile application to showcase the work done by a Healthcare NGO in providing better health facilities to the people. The application allows users to donate online and to track the work done by the organisation.
Healthcare App - Screen 2
Healthcare App - Screen 3
Healthcare App - Screen 4
eCommerce Application Mobile application for a rewards program where users can avail/redeem discount coupons/coins from a network of merchants.
eCommerce app - screen 1
eCommerce app - screen 2
eCommerce app - screen 3
AIRPORT APP The Airport Navigation App utilises ibeacons to give users the ability to navigate the course of their flight right from their drive to the airport, to finding the parking, best available check-in counters, security gates etc to the time they land. The UI goal was to achieve a clean, task focused interface that helped the user understand exactly what to do next and also the best way to do it.
Airport App: Screen 1
Airport App: Screen 2
Airport App: Screen 3
Mobile Apps
Freelance, Moonlighting
Deepa Srinivasan
User Experience Designer Bengaluru, India