Junior Designer
Aug 2015 - Present (9 years 7 months)
Working as part of a tight-knit team on multiple briefs for outside companies, requiring good teamwork and stamina for hard tasks. Also, creating the retail & trade online business e-store website, working on both graphic based and real-life products, looking to get my own product into the market through development, thanks to the links from China. Attending Design Shows as buyers - plenty of travelling and development of my own skill base.
Creative Designer
Feb 2013 - Aug 2015 (2 years 6 months)
Set up whilst attending University - myself and my business partner created our own digital design agency. Dedicated to website, applications, security & product design. We've already worked on a variety of projects, ranging from local jewellery merchants, Solicitor firms, Client Services and personal portfolios.
The site itself is currently outdated and is being re-designed by myself & business partner. We're upgrading to the latest web-trend 'Parallax' for a more dynamic and forward presentation of what we can offer our clients. However, this hasn't stopped us and a team of both designers & programmers working on several projects, including: 'Chameleon', 'Away', 'Running Bud-ease' and a variety of other apps to be released 2016.
Watch this space: http://digitalunderdog.co.uk/
Junior designer
London, United Kingdom
Jun 2014 - Jun 2014
Worked for a two week work period at a Motorsport Vinyl Design company - a fun & fascinating look at Motorsport (One of my best interests) and the world of design combined. Worked on digital content for the website, as well as presentation designs & vinyl's for the E-shop. Worked closely with the company founder to expand my knowledge of the industry and learn as I worked.
Recovery claims specialist
Catalyst Consulting Solutions Limited
Sep 2012 - Apr 2013 (7 months)
Springfield Road, Chelmsford - Working as a Recovery Claims specialist , Customer service, Handling Claims, Creating Outlays, Dealing with Customers, general upkeep of the department.
Store Assistant
The Co-operative Group
Nov 2011 - Sep 2012 (10 months)
Exchange way, Chelmsford – Working in the food department, accounting for stock, customer service, pricing, general upkeep of the department
Sales Assistant
Jul 2010 - Sep 2011 (1 year 2 months)
High-street, Chelmsford - Worked as a sales assistant in the children's department, checking stock, working directly with customers, answering phones, cleaning the department, working alongside a dedicated team to reach sales goals.