A 4-page printed brochure, designed to provide a high level understanding of a specific program, and how clients could benefit from buying into any or all program modules offered.
2 variations of the cover page. The image chosen illustrates the connected aspect of this particular program. Although each module can stand on it's own, they do build off of each other, as well as our vehicles are becoming more and more connected themselves.
The Venn diagram was created to show the interconnecting perspective of this program. How all of these ideas attribute to consumer preferences being changed in the real world. The sudden adaptation of the Module 0 (the COVID Deep-Dive) was left outside the original diagram because it was originally felt that this module, although impacting consumers greatly, may not have as much of a long-term effect as the other three. The image up top was selected to showcase that the automobile is truly a part of our life, whether we use it by ourselves, or with others.
Rather than staying with the list of countries where this program is currently running (in the "Overview & Deliverable" section), I also included the highlighted countries on a map to illustrate the global breadth of this study.
Each module was color-coded, and that color coding carries even into the reporting deliverables. Two different variations of the last page were provided. One allowed for all four modules with limited verbiage to show with the Call-to-Action down at the bottom. The other variation would only be used digitally, but allowed for more space to write about the four modules, and room for more "zinger text" in the Call-to-Action area.
4-pg Sales Brochure

A brochure designed to give a quick overview of all phases of an on-going project

Freelance, Full-time
Constance Smith
Graphic Design | Leadership | Creative Direction Detroit, MI