Inspired by the Gundam 00 series. Created on Photoshop, edited on Lightroom.
A Day at the Park with Antman. Created on Photoshop and Edited on Lightroom.
Superman. Created on Photoshop, edited on Lightroom.
Wolverine created on Photoshop and edited on Lightroom
Conan the Barbarian and Red Sonia. Created on Photoshop and edited on Lightroom.
Harley and Ivy's First Date. Created on Photoshop, edited on Lightroom
Deadpool. Created on Illustrator, Photoshop and Lightroom
Various Print Displays

These art pieces were used for exhibit at various comic con tables I set up over a few years, with some for personal enjoyment.

Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Christopher Zelenka
Graphic Designer Richmond, KY