Freelance Designer
London, United Kingdom
Feb 2015 - Present (9 years 11 months)
Unique luxury furniture and lighting design. The studio deals with projects varying from one-off commissions to limited editions and production pieces. I have engaged in projects at all stages of the design process, from market research, conceptual design, to CAD for manufacture and assembly.
Structural Design Intern
London, United Kingdom
Dec 2014 - Dec 2014
3D Structural packaging and POSM design. Working on premium brands including; Belvedere Vodka / Absolut Vodka / Coca-Cola.
London Design Festival
London, United Kingdom
Sep 2013 - Sep 2013
V&A / Global Design Forum - Tasks included providing information and assistance, handing out guides and dealing with general enquiries.
Industrial Design Intern
Coventry University / ZUMC
Jiaxing Shi, China
Mar 2013 - Jun 2013 (3 months)
One of ten Product Design students selected to travel to China to engage in live projects for various different industries. Working out of the offices of Zhejiang University of Media and Communication (ZUMC), the group worked both in teams and individualy providing clients with a high standard of work. My main roles within the team were producing initial design concepts and visualisations for client meetings.
The time we spent out there also meant we had the opportunity to travel the country and immerse ourselves in Chinese culture. Helping the team to better understand the people and designing for a different demographic.
Clients Included: Yongtailong Electronic, Lilan Winery, FuGuang Lighting