Lead Designer and Image Retoucher
8B Pixel Lab
San Francisco, CA
Apr 2001 - Jun 2016 (15 years 2 months)
I worked with a diverse spectrum of clients in seamlessly high-end retouching, color correcting, and manipulating digital image files for both web and print. Additionally, I designed high-end logos for medium to large sized businesses. This included web presence, various print, stationary and collateral options. I frequently collaborated with clients, and with their input, strategically positioned them beside or above competitors within given industries with competitive brand edge and market recognition.
Design Co-Instructor
Silicon Valley College (Now Carrington College)
Walnut Creek, CA
Aug 2000 - Feb 2001 (6 months)
Upon graduating at the top of the program class, I was asked to co-instruct a course in design theory. I taught students basic design fundamentals, color theory, typography, and composition. Additonally, I assisted students one on one with project completion, effectively communicating the same lesson to a diverse group with varying skills. I also helped with printing, scanning, collation, and light network troubleshooting.