Transmission #34

CCD The Community, the organiser of the Caochangdi section of Beijing Design Week 2012 is editing a map of the area featuring all the venues. I have been offered to design an artwork for the backside of the map.

Transmission #34 is related to my current works on vibrations, signals, encoding/decoding.

Waves, which are the primary mean of data transmission in the universe, are invisible. They are not invisible because they are too small or too fast but because they have no physical substance. They are pure encoded data. Our eyes can decode some of those data and turn them into images, our radios can turn these data into sound, our telescopes can interpret waves coming from afar. Waves and their frequencies are something we can understand and use but that belongs to another physical reality. I see data transmission as a fundamental element of humanity, as well as of the universe.

Transmission #34 is the portrait of a wave.

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Lecour Aurelien
Art Director Beijing, China