Brainstorm Flow Chart for User Persona Creation - CollegiateLink - A product manager for our CollegiateLink product knew I was interested in interaction design and user experience and asked me to help him with a project. He wanted to create user personas to compare the importance and usefulness of new technologies so our IT team/company could decide what to invest time into as the next product. I met up with him to discuss what he envisioned and what points to think about when creating the persona. This is the brainstorming flow chart I compiled before tackling this challenge.
Final Version of User Persona - This is my refined and final version of the user persona. I took into account all of the important pieces of information and came up with a way to present it. We had tossed around some fairly complicated ideas, but I settled for something simple. This project was fun because I had to consider many different factors when designing a form factor for the persona. It wasn't a part of my daily work, but I enjoyed every minute of it.
Self-Service Builder Help Documentation - This is a PDF file of the help documentation I created while I worked at Campus Labs. Using HelpIQ and Snagit, I created and organized the content into a guide that focused on being accessible to first-time users of our new self-service project/survey building software. My company was streamlining and standardizing product help and support between all its products. I worked on this guide for the Baseline product.
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Acceptance Criteria List for Self-Service Builder - A list of acceptance criteria I compiled for the product manager. My company was in the process of overhauling our existing survey building software, and so needed a list of functionality of what we could do in the old software so that they could craft the new software.
Memorable Projects - This is a collection detailing three of the most challenging, and therefore "memorable", projects I have had to build in my role as a Coordinator of Campus Support. This PowerPoint outlines the basic premise of the projects, the challenges I encountered, and what steps I took to complete the project. A lot of challenges involved thinking of ways to set up and design the project that works for the client, but is also achievable within our builder software's limits.
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Training and Development - Coordinator - This slideshow contains the training schedule and training material I created for training our newest Coordinator of Campus Support. I was tasked to organize training and took time out of my regular workday to create a training schedule for myself and the other coordinators who would be training the new hire. Also included are slides containing worksheet content I had created to give to the new hires during training.
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Scaling Choices - A Wiki Entry: This is a short online entry I created for use on my company's Wiki section under the "Help" tab. I had several topics that I researched and created entries for over the summer of 2009. The topics I covered were: scales (this entry), different types of statistical tests (regression analysis, t-test, chi square, ANOVA), benchmarking, and cost effectiveness. All this information served as a resource bank for clients who were unfamiliar with assessment and statistics.
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Work Projects/Materials

This is a collection of projects I have created for work. Some of these projects are additional side-projects that do not pertain to my daily duties as a Coordinator of Campus Support, while others were created as part of my job.

Miranda Kiang
Software Product Design Professional at IBM Austin, TX