Google Design Jam Quick sketch I made during a Google Design Jam session at my university. The objective was to design a UI for a Google Greenhouse. It would be a smart greenhouse that would have technology to monitor its ecosystem, plant health and nutrition, and waste management. My UI sketch is rough, but basically I wanted there to be screens where information would be easily interpreted. Different meters, bars, and symbols would each represent something different. Also going along with this, the user would have the ability to select and monitor/manage all of their greenhouses individually, down to each section within each greenhouse. This interface would be present on mobile devices (tablets, phones), as well as on personal computers, and large screens in the smart greenhouses. Information would be held on a server and would be able to sync in real time to every location.
Stella's Website Mock Up - I am currently reading up on how to design a website and had promised my friend that I would create a website for her once I learned. This is a simple wireframe of a preliminary design for her website that I wanted to capture for her to review. This is still a large project in the making. I created this using the Mockingbird wireframe program online.
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Microsoft Surface Storyboard Part 1 Inspired by the latest Surface commercial, I quickly drew a sketch for another commercial they could use. This time, highlighting Windows 8 Live Tiles to create an immersive world.
Microsoft Surface Storyboard Part 2
Sketches and Such

A collection of sketches in my design work. More will be uploaded as I gather some of my old works and/or create new ones! Stay tuned. :)

Miranda Kiang
Software Product Design Professional at IBM Austin, TX