7FAST/ILL Turnaround Time Study - Survey Draft 4 - This is my fourth draft of the survey I am crafting for my internship and the first that I've built into Qualtrics. It is getting close to its final state, but may have another revision or so to do before piloting it. I am in the process of working to upload data into Qualtrics to populate some fields and associate responses with data that will be uploaded.
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7FAST/ILL Turnaround Time Study - Final Version This is the final version of the study that ended up launching. For my study, I sent out two of these surveys: one for each population (7FAST users, ILL users). The survey is sent to a random sample of those who have had book/article requests fulfilled by the library. There is an incentive of entering a raffle for one of four $25 VISA gift cards should you complete the survey.
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Rough Draft of Final Report for Turnaround Time Study for 7FAST/ILL services at the MLibrary
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Jan 8 (Almost done!) Edition of the Turnaround Time Final Report
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7FAST/ILL Turnaround Time User Research Study

This project deals with finding the optimal turnaround time for library materials that are borrowed through the 7FAST and Interlibrary Loan services. Serving as an intern/research assistant for this project, I crafted the instrument, conducted several pilots and necessary interviews for feedback, and then launched the final version of the survey. I sent a version of the survey to two separate groups: Those who had requested an a book or article through our 7FAST system, and those who used our ILL (Interlibrary Loan) system.
After data is collected, results will be analyzed and compiled into a report which will be presented to the Provost.

Miranda Kiang
Software Product Design Professional at IBM Austin, TX