INTRODUCTION This is a case study to look at improving the UX of a major brand’s mobile site. Old Navy was selected on a ‘random’ basis and doesn’t know about this project. It turns out there are some things Old Navy can do to reach a more ‘Frictionless’ user experience and better support the desires of a mobile user. I’ll take a brief look at all stages of UX.
INPUTS My Expert Review and Top Tasks Ratings
EXPLORATIONS I (mostly) limited this to one exploration as an example of a first pass iteration.
FINAL DESIGN MOCKUPS Includes specifications for new UI elements. I stuck to the current design style to keep this case study focused on usability.
RESULTS This a closeup of a typical user flow through the new design and a High Level ROI Validation Plan.
mCommerce Case Study

This is a case study to look at improving the UX of a major brand’s mobile site. Old Navy was selected on a ‘random’ basis and doesn’t know about this project.

It turns out there are some things Old Navy can do to reach a more ‘Frictionless’ user experience and better support the desires of a mobile user. I’ll take a brief look at all stages of UX design.

Alyssa Ruzicka
User Experience / UI Design / User Research / Strategy Los Angeles, CA