Energizer Holdings Inc.
Shelton, CT
Jun 2009 - Present (15 years 6 months)
Engineer – Infant Care and Pet R&D
New product development lead engineer for various consumer goods
- Responsible for consumer research and concept development, 3D CAD design, functional features design, material and finished good qualifications
- Product categories include: Infant/Toddler and Pet products (Bottles, Sippy cups, Children’s tableware, Soft good accessories, etc.)
- Work closely with multiple Asian vendors throughout multiple product development phases
Develop functional and aesthetic product improvements
- Review consumer complaints and address improvements within the design or materials
- Collaborate with Marketing team to update product aesthetics through color and graphic changes
- Self-started projects to update products through industry trend research
Support international expansion of infant care products
- Review existing infant products against multiple country and region regulatory standards in Asia, Latin America, and Europe
- Plan 3rd party testing and product registration documentation
Develop process improvements within R&D functions and interdepartmental workflow
- Created new SOP for final product case pack-outs currently used by the Marketing and R&D teams
- Generated new product quoting SOP currently used by the Operations and Product Development R&D teams