Design Engineer
Clitheroe, United Kingdom
Feb 2014 - Present (10 years 10 months)
Electrical Design Engineer intern
Cirrus Research Plc
Hunmanby, United Kingdom
Aug 2013 - Dec 2013 (4 months)
internship in the electrical design engineer field doing product design,
re-designing and updating the current cirrus dosebadge system as well as producing a whole new product to go along side the dosebadge system.
dose badge system includes: dosebadge, reader, charger and portable mid shift reader.
research into internal components to see if viable for power sources, size and costs
design for manufacture to ensure minimal waste and cost whilst still ensuring maximum quality
ensuring all aspects of designs will pass world wide regulations for the industrial industry and are intrinsically safe
designing from quick thumbnails right the way through to cad renders and prototyping
team discussions on key features and functions to be selected and further developed