So much for discussions about AI problems... Let's talk more about us.
A frightening fact, which we forget very quickly. The mountain is constant and we are not.
Freedom does not come on a platter, we take care of it every day.
Understanding the truth is not difficult, but proving it can be deadly.
Human Nature!!! Our advantage over all species, but also our curse towards ourselves.
History repeats itself. We have become more dangerous for ourselves and our environment to repeat the same mistakes.
The first step into improvement is recognizing that we are the bad guys, and that improvements will be easier and efficient, instead of being imposed, as was the case with Covid-19. We will argue among ourselves, losing precious time! Individuality and mistrust are not only a natural defense against members of the same species, but also a means of destroying communities for those who exploit them and achieve what they want without regard for morality. Our essential defence is going to be a curse for species survival. Take away individuality, then we are no more the human species. WE WILL EVOLVE INTO SOMETHING, BUT WE WILL NOT BE WHO WE ARE...
Thrut about ourselves is not acceptable if we don´t like it. - HUMAN NATURE
Graphic. Marketing, Social.


Zdenko Vukoja
Lipik, Croatia