DIY Rowling Machines // Light, simple and Cheap // Wood - Plastic - aluminium // Modular purpose - rowling machine on the floor or on the wall exercise equipment //
DIY Rowling Machines // Light, simple and Cheap // Wood - Plastic - aluminium // Modular purpose - rowling machine on the floor or on the wall exercise equipment //
DIY Rowling Machines // Light, simple and Cheap // Wood - Plastic - aluminium // Modular purpose - rowling machine on the floor or on the wall exercise equipment //
DIY Rowling Machines // Light, simple and Cheap // Wood - Plastic - aluminium // Modular purpose - rowling machine on the floor or on the wall exercise equipment //
DIY Rowling Machine

Simple project for 3d printing, a multipurpose exercise equipment.
Stylish Rowling machine with elegant wood.

Zdenko Vukoja
Lipik, Croatia