For our assignment, we had to design a food related website. My team first brainstormed through possible topic ideas and subsequently brainstormed different features we wanted our website to have. My team thought it was important that every user had a home page. This is a wireframe for the user's home page/account page. All wireframes were made using Sketch.
This is a wireframe of the "meal planner" webpage. This is the webpage where you can add ingredients that you have and see what ingredients your friends have added.
This is a wireframe of the webpage that shows all the possible recipes you and your friends could make.
This is the webpage that shows information about a certain recipe.
This is the second iteration of user account page.
This is the second iteration of the "meal planner" page.
This is the second iteration of the recipe list page.
This is the final home page design. Our team used Bootstrap to create our front end framework.
To make an account on CookTogether, you must login to your Facebook account. Once logged into your account, our team utilized the Facebook API to display the user's Facebook picture and to show them which of their Facebook friends also have a CookTogether account.
This is the final account webpage. We used the Google Maps API to display the user's location.
This is the final meal planning webpage.
This is the final recipes webpage. Ultimately, my team did not code a screen for each recipe. We accessed the recipes using an API called Edamam that is a database of recipes posted on the web. Instead of formatting our own recipe webpage, we decided to provide the link for the location of each recipe on the web.

CookTogether is a website used to allow you and your friends to generate recipes based on the ingredients you each have. CookTogether was the final project for my web programming class. My role on the three student team was to focus on the visual design and front end coding by using Bootstrap and coding in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

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Full-time, Moonlighting
Zoe Monosson
User Experience Designer Boston, MA