A TABLE!! - Household Appliance designed for MOULINEX. A cooking facility to use while sitting around the table. Exterior containers are made from a thermoplastic material, whereas Teflon-coated interior shapes are interchangeable. The facility can work either as single unit or be coupled with others to cook fancy recipes.
SHARON - An office designed with strongly feminine lines for a business woman.
SIDNEY - Assemblable and easy-to-pack Teatable designed for Bil Furniture, Tepe Group.
URBAN CARPET - A carpet from ceramic material for outdoor spaces. Carpet goes out from houses and becomes the carpet for cities. Its composed of differently shaped ceramic tiles. The motifs come from the nature: falling leaves,running water, grass, pebbles... compose the texture of the carpet by filling the holes.
GRAPHIC WORKS - Logotypes designed for various activities: Japanese Restaurant, Musical Organisation, Modern Dance Course, International Council Meeting in Alanya.