Fall 2015 | Fire Station 55
fire station
A building in which the members of a fire department and the equipment used to put out fires are located.
- Merriam-Webster Dictionary
The main goal of Fire Station 55 is to
expand the role of the typical fire station
by responding not only to the function
of an emergency response center but
to also respond to the surrounding
community and environment. Station 55
is a landmark and catalytic building for the
developing north phoenix communities
with community-oriented considerations
and environmentally responsive design
strategies inspired by natural biology
and vernacular practices. As a pioneer
building in an area of future development,
Station 55 has the opportunity to set a
precedence to encourage sustainable
design strategies and conscientious
lifestyles appropriate for Phoenix.
collaboration project with:
Ryan Kiefer
ASU Design Excellence Winner (Fall 2015)