Pattern, 2013. I used Exposure and Hue/Saturation.
Balance, 2013. I used Brightness and Curves.
Contrast, 2013. I used Curves and Vibrance.
Emphasis, 2013. I used Color Balance and Brightness.
Unity, 2013. I used Brightness and Color Balance
Movement, 2013. I used Levels and Exposure.
Artist Choice, 2013. I used Brightness and Curves. This photo has Line, Shpe, Balance, Pattern.
Artist Choice, 2013. Line, Shape, Pattern, and Emphasis is in this picture. I used Black and Whit in this picture.
Principles Of Design

In the Principles Of Design project I had to find photos that represented:
1. Contrast
2. Balance
3. Emphasis
4. Unity
5. Movement
6. Pattern/Repetition
We also need 2 photos that have Principles of Design and Elements of Art in it.

Zachary Sager
Student Sparta Township, NJ