Black and White Panorama, 2013. In this game the player gets to choose which way that he wants to go. If you go right you have to find a battleship and destroy it before it kills you. If you go left you have to find a little mexican guy before, something finds you.
Artist Choice, 2013. This game is a result of the first game. If you choose right and you defeated the battleship you get to go to the safe zone aka SCHOOL. If you died you go to the darkness and get a second chance unless you find the sea shell before the bad people do. If you chose left and you won you also have to defeat the bad people before they kill you. Once you defeat them you have to go and find the sea shell, so you go to the safe zone aka SCHOOL.
If you find this object in the game your player has invincibility for that whole level.
If you find these flowers your player gets poisoned and will die in 2 minutes.
Game Art

DOF is the distance between the nearest and the furthest objects that give an image judged to be in focus in a camera.

Zachary Sager
Student Sparta Township, NJ