Line,2013. This photo represents Line because of the beach grass in the picture. I used Hue/Saturation and Color Balance.
Color,2013. This photo represents Color because it has the Red-Green Complementary Colors in the picture. I used Brightness, and Levels.
Texture,2013. This photo represents texture because it's the side of a tree. I used Brightness and Hue/Saturation.
Value,2013. This photo represents value because the picture is in black and white and goes from light to dark. I used Black and White
Space, 2013. This photo represents space because the leaf and rock in the water take up space. I used Curves, Balance and Exposure.
Shape,2013. This photo represents shape because the feather has shape. I used Vibrance, Hue/Saturation and Levels.
Elements of Art

The photos in this project represents:
1. Texture
2. Space
3. Shape
4. Color
5. Value
6. Line

Zachary Sager
Student Sparta Township, NJ