Tide Diagram Graph Design - Dimension 28" x 36" Poster size. Applications: Photoshop, Illustrator.
Design a Bay Area (Redwood City Wharf) tide predeiction diagram for each 24 hour day in the month of June 2005. Approach this massive data and organize it in clear and communicative graph.
Matropolis Magazine Layout, Cover Design - Application: InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator. Redesign one article in the magazine Metropolis. Taking the existing copy and the grpahics. Through organization and planning, typographic observations and decisions finding the precise relationship between type, type size, line length, leading, etc. That result in concise, informative, and engaging design.
CD Cover (Bach Classical Music Design) - Application: Illustrator
Utilizing type and typographic elements only, design a compact disk (CD) front, back, and spine incorporate the idea and visual interpretation of the artist.
Corporate ID Branding; Youthh Opportunity Center - Design a branding logo for the non-profit organization: Youth Opportunity center. Understand the function and service provided for this organization. Once the logo is finalized, I designed a series of promotional materials for the organization.
Corporate ID Design 2: Youth Opportunity Center - Application: Illustrator, Photoshop.
The secondary element; photo of youth, helps bringing the lifeliness in this branding. Also, the green streamlines is another secondary supporting element that adds color and also alignment to the design.
Typeface Design, Packaging Design - Application: Illustrator. Design a type face family according to a individual’s principle and idea. The font face will not be based solely on the form, but according to the idea and principle the artist carry through out his career.
Elephant Book design (layout & grid system design) - Application: Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign
Design a grid system based on the structural relationships of the animal’s natural or artifical form by deconstructing the structure and proportion. Then using the grid system to design a book that simulates the structure and visual form of the animal.
Expected and Unexpected: Fette Fraktur Font History - Application: Photoshop, Illustrator. Select and research a historic text type face and analyze the font face in the context of “expected usage†and “unexpected usage.†Exploring the possibility of alternative layout.
Gun violance Poster Design - The project again involved a organization that promotes the Gun violation issue. With a person holding a gun pointing to the viewer and the words says: "how would you like this thing pointed at you?" to stimulate a visual feeling.
Neso Monitor promotion - Poster, Brochure, Info card to display at participated electronic store during trade show.
Clean Water Brochure - The project worked with a nono-profit organization that promotes polution-free environmental concept, so I approached the problem with the clean water drop solution.
Advertising Age Poster Deisgn
Adweek Poster Design
DeWalt Powerpoint Presentation
Universal Traveler Poster Design, Typography - Using the well-know: Universal Traveler as a base of the content and create a visual language toward the perspective of the poster. Applcation: phtoshop, illustrator.