Paradise - Cover - The container house designed for Taiwan, for new immigrations and people who are looking for their first house.
Paradise - Brief - The container house designed for Taiwan, for new immigrations and people who are looking for their first house. Found out the technologies I'd like to use for my design from "Jenwa Company".
Paradise - Ideation - The container house designed for Taiwan, for new immigrations and people who are looking for their first house. More natural feeling.
Paradise - Ideation 2 - The container house designed for Taiwan, for new immigrations and people who are looking for their first house. More modern feeling.
Paradise - Refinement - The container house designed for Taiwan, for new immigrations and people who are looking for their first house. I decided to go for the modern appearance with a lot of glass.
Paradise - Rendering - The container house designed for Taiwan, for new immigrations and people who are looking for their first house. I used green and blue for the whole appearances. Therefore, even though it's a modern container house made by glass and metal, it still gives a feeling of nature. It's not just the house, it's the piece of art. [ From the 3/4 view it looks like a face :) ]
Paradise - container house