This was a fun mini-project where we had to look for materials around the NID campus and make a product by the end of the day. Swarna Srimal and I worked together on this and came up with this loofah-cum-massager. The textures of the different materials added to their appropriateness.
This was done as part of our Materials and Processes course. We went to the industry and did our own little sand casting projects. I took one of my thermacol forms which I placed in a mould and packed with sand. Then molten aluminium was poured into vents which were provided. The thermal melted and left in its stead this heavy bit of alluminium. This process where the original form is lost is called lost-foam casting.
This was a very fun project. We had to look for forms we wanted to replicate and coat them with a mixture or silicone and hardener. Once it set, we made a plaster-of-paris mould around it to hold its shape. We then removed the original forms and poured resin into the hollows. Once it set, it looked like this. When pure resin is poured, it becomes transparent. When the resin is mixed with chalk to thicken the mixture, the resultant forms are opaque.
Material Exploration
Yuhina L. Lachungpa
Product Design student Ahmedabad, India