IDENTIFY EXISTING PROBLEMS- Some people throw everything into the trash can whether it is recyclable or not, but most people tend not to throw trash into the recycling bins. This lead to two assumptions prior to field work: 1. The trash can is isolated from the whole system due to its arrangement and visual difference, so it is easier to identify and use. 2. People tend not to throw trash into recycling bins because it seems an obviously bad thing to do.
OBSERVATION OF PEOPLE'S RECYCLING ACTIVITY- People who approached from the trash can side only used the trash can no matter whether their waste was recyclable; People who approached from other sides recycled more readily; they sorted waste correctly to either the recycling bin or the trash can.
RECYCLING FLOWCHART DIAGRAM - Based on these observations, the flowchart not only reflects how the availability of the recycling bins affected people’s behavior, but also offers a systematic rethinking of the whole process, considering all the motivation, ability and opportunity factors that shape people’s behavior.
REDESING OF THE EXSITING SYSTEM- The redesign of is to change the layout of the existing system by simply putting the trash can behind the recycling bins. This is based on two facts during the observation: 1. People are more tended to use trash can by throwing everything into it. 2. Most people will not throw trash into a recycling bin, because it is an obvious bad thing to do.
REDESIGN OF THE SYSTEM OBJECTS- The following iterations of concepts are based on two questions: how can a designer improve the communication of the recycling bins and how can a bin improve people’s motivation to recycle.
PROTOTYPE TESTING / INSIGHTS OF RESEARCH- The field testing of the prototype proved that the idea of transparent bin is successful in terms of guiding people to do the right thing. One more thing intrigued me during the field testing: many people passing these bins would touch and to play with this rough, uncompleted prototype. Some even rested their bags on it for a while. This playful interaction with recycling bins led me to develop the concept further, transforming recycling bin into a playful game.
FURTHER DEVELOPMENT OF TRANSPARENT BINS CONCEPT- By playing with the scale of the recycling bins, the immediate action of throwing waste into the bin is slowed down into a more visible process. Considering the material of the waste itself, each bin is embedded with a different idea of game. For example, the colorful aluminum cans would form a sculpture itself inside the bin.
Design for Sustainability - Field Research of Recycling

Recycle Better researches the interaction between people and recycling bins, and how the object itself influences the way people behave. The research also leads to some insights that would benefit redesigning recycling bin system.

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