Background Information- Inappropriate ways of resting chopsticks in Chinese culture.
A wide exploration of guiding people to rest their chopsticks politely using the form of a chopstick rest.
Exploration focusing on one inappropriate way of resting chopsticks: placing chopsticks separately, which implies breaking off your relations with your dining partner.
Defining the form by making.
KEY CONCEPT- PLAYFUL DISRUPTION The Rest is comprised of two identical parts that, when used separately, the curved body forces the chopsticks to undesirably roll off onto the table. This disruption of function is meant to create an awareness of the user’s own behavior and to allow the user to realize that this behavior might be wrong. Playing with the two identical parts of the Chopstick Rest will reveal that they interlock creating an affordable area in between which is the appropriate resting position. The process of failure then play followed by discovery and success is designed to interactively teach proper use of chopsticks so that the message is communicated in an effective and memorable manner.
Design for Cultural Etiquette- A Chopstick Rest

The Chopstick Rest is designed to guide the user to appropriately rest their chopsticks through its form. The process of failure then play followed by discovery and success is designed to interactively teach proper use of chopsticks so that the message is communicated in an effective and memorable manner.

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