Despite its huge popularity and success, East Coast Park is not without problems. It's strategic location along the east coast that stretches 15 kilometres is its draw and at the same time, its weakness. East Coast Park is totally cut off by the East Coast Parkway that runs from the base of the Benjamin Sheares Bridge right up to Changi Airport.
Despite its huge popularity and success, East Coast Park is not without problems. It's strategic location along the east coast that stretches 15 kilometres is its draw and at the same time, its weakness. East Coast Park is totally cut off by the East Coast Parkway that runs from the base of the Benjamin Sheares Bridge right up to Changi Airport.
Despite its huge popularity and success, East Coast Park is not without problems. It's strategic location along the east coast that stretches 15 kilometres is its draw and at the same time, its weakness. East Coast Park is totally cut off by the East Coast Parkway that runs from the base of the Benjamin Sheares Bridge right up to Changi Airport.
Despite its huge popularity and success, East Coast Park is not without problems. It's strategic location along the east coast that stretches 15 kilometres is its draw and at the same time, its weakness. East Coast Park is totally cut off by the East Coast Parkway that runs from the base of the Benjamin Sheares Bridge right up to Changi Airport.
Despite its huge popularity and success, East Coast Park is not without problems. It's strategic location along the east coast that stretches 15 kilometres is its draw and at the same time, its weakness. East Coast Park is totally cut off by the East Coast Parkway that runs from the base of the Benjamin Sheares Bridge right up to Changi Airport.
Despite its huge popularity and success, East Coast Park is not without problems. It's strategic location along the east coast that stretches 15 kilometres is its draw and at the same time, its weakness. East Coast Park is totally cut off by the East Coast Parkway that runs from the base of the Benjamin Sheares Bridge right up to Changi Airport.
Despite its huge popularity and success, East Coast Park is not without problems. It's strategic location along the east coast that stretches 15 kilometres is its draw and at the same time, its weakness. East Coast Park is totally cut off by the East Coast Parkway that runs from the base of the Benjamin Sheares Bridge right up to Changi Airport.
Despite its huge popularity and success, East Coast Park is not without problems. It's strategic location along the east coast that stretches 15 kilometres is its draw and at the same time, its weakness. East Coast Park is totally cut off by the East Coast Parkway that runs from the base of the Benjamin Sheares Bridge right up to Changi Airport.
Sustainable Retain Connect Rejuvenate Universal Design
YingLing Tan
Design Apprentice Singapore, Singapore